Igår kväll satte jag upp den tjusiga tavlan Annika ritat! Den är inspirerad av mig och mitt kontaktannons-samlande, vilket är fint bara det. Nu bor förövrigt alla kontaktannonserna jag sparat ihop i en kartong i min mammas källare. Här är några gamla favoriter: Extra fint kunde det bli om man hittade följetonger, som när det stod såhär en vecka, Och såhär veckan därpå, Tavlan fick matcha mina två klänningar som har precis samma färg som flickan har på kjolen och väggen hon står framför. . I framed Annika Bäckström's very pretty print inspired by my collection of personal ads. Above are some old favorites from my collection, for example; - tall, big footed and somewhat unstable feminist whiner on her way towards the end is looking for a handy softy. You don't need a sense of humour, but I like redheads. - Please don't answer this if you are fat, boring, narrow-minded, clumsy, dull, stupid or sad. But please do answer this is you are nice, temperamental, correct, cosy and talkative. Best wishes - a teenager from the 40s - I want to be a frog again, so please kiss me once more. - Bertil. You answered my ad the sixth of november 8.30 pm. Our phone call was just a big missunderstanding. I thought it was my son playing tricks on me. Please call me again. - Monika. In the beginning of the sixties you worked in a bank quite near the central station. One unforgettable night we went to the Oscars theatre to see My Fair Lady with Ulla Sallert and Jarl Kulle. If you are free nowadays, please call Sven. - Scarlett, I just got blown away. But I'm back again, 40+/188, normal weight, dark hair and blue eyes. I guess you are just as beautiful as before. I've never been especially beautiful.